Dr. Anita Smith

Dr. Anita Smith is a Certified Divorce Coach with specialties in pre-divorce counseling, post-divorce support, co-parenting guidance, financial planning and consulting, emotional healing and support, stress management and coping strategies associated with the grief and loss of divorce, self-care and self-love practices, and building a support network.

Dr. Anita Smith’s motivation for working with individuals undergoing divorce is rooted in her experience rebuilding her life after divorce, seeking professional help, and raising children in a healthy environment. She deeply understands the emotional and practical challenges inherent in such transitions. Dr. Smith is compassionate about helping individuals navigate the complexities of divorce, offering them a pathway toward healing and empowerment.

Dr. Smith’s extensive background in the financial industry for over 28 years, combined with her training in divorce coaching, transformational coaching, and financial planning and consulting, equips her with a unique set of skills to address the diverse needs of Vesta participants holistically. Her empathetic nature fosters a safe and supportive environment where individuals feel heard and understood as they navigate the emotional rollercoaster of divorce. Her role in helping people through and beyond divorce encompasses a comprehensive range of services tailored to each individual’s unique needs.

Dr. Smith’s vision for working with Vesta participants is to empower them not just to survive but to thrive in their post-divorce lives. Her coaching aims to help them emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace new beginnings. She envisions her clients as champions in their lives after divorce, inspiring hope and a brighter future.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Anita Smith

Email: info@lifeafterdivorceco.com

Tel: 470-712-2324 

Click here to schedule an appointment

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